Monday, September 27, 2010

Sarah Palin. I hate her.

No, not as a person. But she is dumB. That's right, with a capital B. She has no business being in a government job, let alone being a heart beat away from leading the free world.

This SNL skit is not so funny once you see it juxtaposed with the REAL clip. It is scary:

She is not bright, she has never had an original thought and she, to the best of my knowledge, NEVER ended a sentence? She has been speaking in one, giant, run-amok, gargantuan run-on sentence since she was 15.

And this from Fox News. So you can't say it is unfair or biased media. No, she is just dumb. Hail Mary: FAIL!!!!

If she is voted in, the country is doomed. Not because she will do anything too terrible. But because the backlash in 4 years will be devastating.

The pendulum for the presidency keeps swinging harder, faster and farther. It is becoming a joke and it isn't funny anymore.

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