Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Quintessential Metal Song

I used to think AM I EVIL, the Metalica cover, was the quintessential metal song. It had the slow, marching beginning, the build up, the harmonics, the hammer-ons, a black theme (burning a witch). It had the EFF word. It had a SWEET, prolonged bridge. Man, what a good song. But it isn't really metal and it isn't Metalica's song.

I submit that THIS is the new contender for quintessential metal song. I adore this song. The video is only ok, but you can see Alex play and that is always nice.

watch this Video

I think the vocals are perfect. They seem high like old metal, but gravely enough to not be wussy. And he growls in a melodic way. In short, they are perfect.

The riff is technically masterful, original without being nerdy. The guitar solo is untouchable. IMHO, there aren't much better.

In short, when it comes to TESTAMENT, there IS more than meets the eye.

p.s. There area a lot of chubby, American Indians in the crowd at every metal concert. It is about damn time they are represented on stage! :P

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