Monday, September 20, 2010

Let them eat cake

So Russia is giving nuclear power to Iran and China is giving it to Pakistan. Is this a recipe for Armageddon, or a step toward normalizing the region?

This article talks about the Pakistan plan to get a 1 gigawatt atomic plant up and running.

Here is the way I see it. They already have nuclear missile capabilities. The cat is out of the bag on that one, so why not flood the populace with cheap electrical energy? Where is the downside?

In a few short years, they will be inundated with consumer products, accompanying consumer debt and with the leisure time that comes from machines washing the dishes, cooking the food, doing the laundry, and cable and internet feeds to multiple screens around the house, they will soon be soulless zombies addicted to XBox 360 games and HBM Sunday night programming.

TIVO: the new and improved opiate of the masses. (maybe they can blog their frustrations rather than act on them. win/win/WIN! )

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