Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Julie and Julia

I loved this movie. Never mind that I think Meryl Streep is the greatest living actor of all (for GOOD reason). I also love Amy Adams. The duo were amazing in DOUBT and it was cool to see them in a movie together, although I'm sure they never crossed paths until opening night on the red carpet.

I like to cook, so it was fun on that level. It was cool to see Julie Child's tenacity and ability to force her way into a place she really had no reason to occupy (French Chef and Writer). I loved the way her relationship with her husband was portrayed.

I didn't really buy the "marital crises" that Julia experienced from doing her cooking blog. I mean, the husband was feeling neglected and abused over a little stress and a few hours here and there when she spent time writing? Man-up, wuss. Sheesh.

It has made me want to start cooking again. Real cooking, not just making meals that kids will actually eat. No time now though. Someday maybe.


Applesauce Joce said...

hahaha Awesome.

Unknown said...

This was a great movie, and prompted me to buy Julie's cook books and try them out. She wrote it in a weird style, not updated like with pictures and everything, but it's good. And when she uses wine, she uses a whole bottle. Not just a cup. :)