Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Old post that never made it online

Gidian is going through a really daddy bonding period. I'm not sure why. But when I walk through the door, he yells my name with delight and runs over to me and grabs my hand and takes me off to play. Maybe because I'm actually willing to play toys with him.

Last night, he found one of his Christmas presents, a $5 hot wheel track with a little crash canyon with rubber bands, so you can send two cars into each other and have them blow up the cliffs.

I figured it will be better to open this one by itself and get a few weeks of hard core use out of it, rather than have it be cast aside when compared to all the other loot he is bound to get on Christmas proper.

He has a great sense of humor and can get silly. Sometimes, he'll start singing and do a little arm flipping dance while staring you in the eyes. It is really quite funny.

Last night, while in the tub, he started humming Pirates of the Caribbean, so hummed it too, only I used my finger to pull down my lip for each new note. He thought that was the coolest thing he had seen in a while, so immediately started doing it, only he couldn't get his lips to relax enough because he kept smiling. Pretty soon, we were making each other laugh and I nearly drowned from laughing so hard.

We have had fits of laughter before where we feed off each other's mirth in the same way. He is a great buddy. The only problem is, he has been insisting on sleeping with us. After over a week at Disneyland, he got used to sleeping with mom, and he LIKES it. So, though we get him to fall asleep in his bed, he usually joins us around 4am.

This morning I'm quite ill, so I didn't have the energy to fight it. He is a good snuggler, but he has a big problem with kicking, especially the bed He gets pretty hot at night, apparently.

He is definitely a two year old, but he is so sweet and funny, he is no problem. His new favorite song is THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Some company used it on a commercial and he instantly picked up on it, so we borrowed SCROOGE from mom and I play the song over and over. It actually appears in two different spots, so he really gets into it.

Christmas is going to be blast. He calls it Ist-criss. And it when it snows he says, "Look daddy, its soo-ning!".

Oh, in the spirit of the holidays, we have a homeless, ex-junkie living with us. That has been fun. B'Andra is helping him go to Narcotics Anonymous and get a job. Boy, he sure does eat a lot of food.

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