Friday, October 28, 2005


Hmm. What to say?.... October. Hmmm.
I worked a lot. Got sick again and Gidian is a ray of sunshine.
Pretty much the same ol' crappola.

I finally got sick of getting sick, so I went to an internal medical doctor who took about 9 pints of blood. Actually, just 9 vials, but it seemed like a lot.
The results were that my thyroid was grossly insufficient for the task. So I take some synthetic version of whatever hormone the thyroid makes. I really put it to the test this week. I didn't get much more than 6 hours of sleep every night and I'm not sick yet. If I can lick this, I will feel like I have my life back. I've been as weak as a half-drown kitten and as ache and sick as a 80 year old man.

Our CPA firm is going crazy. We are hiring 12 people out of school this year, which is about 4 or 5 times the normal rate and that doesn't include the 3-4 we have hired with experience. And we turn down a full blown audit every week. I was just assigned to two new ones. One is a big company called Q Comm International. You can find it on the SEC website. Also Orbit irrigation, the plant in Bountiful. I have an inventory observation on Monday. Happy flippin' Halloween. The noob (i.e. Newbie, New guy) I've been working with named Steve has been great. Funny, nice, smart guy and we've been a good team. The problem is he is so smart (scores of over 90 on the 2 cpa sections he has taken so far) that he is going to strike out on his own and get his own greeny and I'll get one too. So they are splitting us up to double our work potential.

My firm has also decided to hire B'Andra to work the tax season. She will work a measly 40 hours a week from Feb to April 15 and then be available for the other tax deadlines and there are many. Hopefully she can do some work at home. She is also picking up some bookkeeping work that she will be able to do at home.

Gidian has been enrolled into a Lutheran daycare a block from our house. It is a really good school and is $10 cheaper and 10 miles closer than his old one. We are hoping that he will be able to go full time in February, but for now he is only going Wednesday and Friday. He is getting old enough that he needs a little structure and training. He is thirsty for information, knowledge, art and most of all music. He LOVES to sing. Loves music. He obsesses on songs.

He loves when B'Andra sings to him. She has a pretty decent repertoire of nursery songs, primary songs and Disney songs. I usually just make ones up on the spot. He also gives me a funny look when I use words he knows in a song. Almost like he saying, "I'm used to songs not really making sense, but I can parrot them, but I UNDERSTOOD that about Jecca eating food."

He's halfway potty trained. He's been wearing pull-ups, but it is hard when he is out with mom on errands because he won't report his status, you just have to catch him. But he is good at home and we try to make it fun. For the first several times, I would put the biggest smile on my face when he successfully went that now, he opens his mouth wide in an O and thinks it is pretty cool when he goes.

Halloween should be fun. We are all going to be pirates. I'll get some pictures. We carved some pumpkins that look pretty good. B'Andra bought a book with some patterns and utensils. The little knives are the best. You can really do some intricate stuff in a MUCH safer way than the big, dull butcher knives from yore.

I'll go try and get a picture.

B'Andra recently went to LA with me on an audit again. She spent 6 days in a row at Disneyland. I was able to go 3 days, Fri night, Sat, Sun. I frankly have no idea how she doesn't get sick of it, but she assures me that during the week, it is slow and a lot more fun, but it is better with additional adult companionship.

We are heading down in two more weeks. There happens to be a large gaming convention across the street from Disneyland that I will be attending and B'Andra will be across the street at Disneyland. B' convinced her sister and family to go, so she will have someone to play with and all of my friends are bringing their families, so it should be pretty fun with the guys geeking out at the D&D and miniature games while the wives and kids do Disney.

B' is scheduled to go down early with her sister and will spend like 9 consecutive days at Disneyland. Her annual pass has paid off. By the time it expires next year, I'm sure she will have gone around 30 days, making her daily Disneyland bill around $8. Not too bad. :)

Here is a picture of B'Andra. Her and a friend dressed up like 'white trash' to go the Utah State Fair. Some dude actually stopped her and chatted about Rush for a while.

She got this tattoo at my insistence. I'm thinking we should make it permanent.

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