Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Late Update

Hi all.
Haven't posted in a while.
I turned 35. I'm freeking OLD!!!!

I've been working a lot, two weeks in Wyoming and tons of deadlines and other dreadfully boring, stressful crap.

Gidian is getting cuter and cooler every single day. He is learning to talk and sing. The problem is, the only songs he knows are the Spiderman Theme song and the Pirates of the Caribbean theme-song. He will modulate them, change the tempo and slow things down when he is really contemplative or substitute other words in for the regular words.

Sometimes he just sings to sing.
Dad- "Hey Bubba, put this in the sink."
Gidan- (singing) In the SINK, IN the sink... to the tune of spiderman or maybe his own little melody.

He loves music. He sings along with Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach. He will watch concerts on tv with me. We watched a cool acapella BYU show the other night. He watched and listened for 15 minutes before getting bored. Crazy for a twitchy 2 year old.

I cut down a large tree in my back yard. There was a fence, shed and powerlines next to it, so I couldn't just cut it down. I had to climp up 20 feet and cut the branches so when they fell, they would bend about the same height as the lines and then fall and not pull them down. It didn't work that way. The first big branch fell on the power line and got caught. I can't believe it held it was VERY heavy. I leaned out as far as I could to lift it off and didn't even come close to making it. I finally reached under the branch and grabbed the cable so the branch was on the top of my hand and then I lifted it up and it slid off. Apparently that was really stupid according some guys at work. A lot of electricity going through those.

B'Andra has torn the bathroom apart and is rebuilding it. It is looking good, but still has work to go. We still can't shower, but I like baths, so I'm not inconvenienced. Gidian HATES showers, so he's happy with the way things have turned out so far.

Remember the silly pirate game from Cousin Week? Well, I had some of them with my on my audit in Wyoming and showed them to the two guys I work with. They got interested and before you knew it, we were in a hotel room battling it out every night. They got so excited, they went out and bought some of their own. One of the guys has been playing with his kids and they love it. My nephew, Cole, on B's side, loves the game as well and we play on occasion. Funny stuff.

I'll include some pictures of current activities.

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