Friday, July 22, 2005

BB&G do Vegas

I had some training Las Vegas, so I cashed in my plane ticket and drove the family down. We didn't do much, as I was in class for 9 hours and then had an hour of reading and we didn't have much money to spend.

I wish I'd known Mark Taylor lived there, I would have given him a call.

Bubba and B'Andra mostly hung out at the pool. I then joined them when I got out. They had a network of slides that were fun and which Gidian loved.

You can see B'Andra looked like she going to the Academy Awards in her swim suit. She is so damn photogenic. She makes me look like an ogre.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ogre nice write up. It just one big party with you aint it. California - Vegas - Provo, every week an exotic location. You are a spoiled weaninie.