Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Farchings Family hit the beach

Gidian freeking LOVED the beach. He took one look at the sand, squealed and belly-flopped and started rubbing his hands back and forth. I had to drag him off kicking and screaming.

He loved running away from the waves and letting his legs get wet. I was holding him in the water and wasn't watching and a big wave came in and went over his head. He was ok except that dad nearly lost his grip and it was then that I realized if Bubba were to go under, I wouldn't be able to see him from the foam and sandy water.

I counted myself lucky and ran, not walked, back to dry land never to return without a lifevest for the most precious thing in my life. Ug. It made me sick to think about. Sea water can be a bit slippery, for those of you who don't know.

Anywho, we had a blast. If Gidian didnt' have tubes, he would be a regular fish.

Speaking of fish, Gidian has long known about fish, (he pronounces it Bish). He sees them on FINDING NEMO, story books, acquariums, Sea World, etc.

Well, we were at a restaurant the other night and B'Andra had halibut and asked Gidian if he "wanted some fish?". He screwed his face up and said, "Eat the bish?????".

We started chuckling and he asked again with one eye squinted and his mouth drawn to one side, "Eat the BISH????"

By the third and loudest time, "Eat the BISH????!!!!!) we were crying tears of laughter. He's a funny kid. He was baffled by the concept of eating fish. But B'Andra drove it home for him, "Bubba, do you want to eat Nemo?"

He mysteriously never ate a bite.


Anonymous said...

some funny bish

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