Monday, June 27, 2005

Here is Bubba at Sea World.

I had an audit in San Diego and B'Andra, upon hearing that I would be within 100 miles of Disneyland, insisted on coming.... which in our current state of single income meant driving.

Yeah, I know.

"Bubba?", you may be asking yourself. Well, yes that is his nickname, but it was an accident.

When he was still in the womb, I started a little childrens's story about a monkey named Booga and when he was born, I called him that. But it didn't really fit so it started to transmutate and become Bubbie then Boober and finally Bubba. I never wanted to give him a red-neck name, but living in the middle of Salt Lake, the name will help him remember his small town roots.

The cutest thing is when he sees a picture of the family and he names everyone, he says "Mommie, Daddie, Bubba!".

He's been calling me Ben for about 2 months now, which I love. B'Andra doesn't like it, but I tell her it is her fault for always reprimanding me. When I talk to her, I call her 'Honey'. When she talks to me its BEN !!!!! :)

But he has lately figured out that Mommie has a real name too. A really difficult name to say. So he just calls her Ja-Ja. I tried to get him to say it by doing on syllable at a time:
Bee (bee),
On, (on),
Drah (ja).
Be-On-Drah (Ja-Ja).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Edit: LEGOLAND, not Sea World.
My bad.