Monday, September 22, 2008

My wife explaining to my friends why I can't get certain times off.

HA! Ok so you all know that I don't side with Ben much here, but you clearly don't understand the nature of this shitty job. He COULD take some time off and have a nice long vaca.....until he found another job. I can't even tell you how many people have had a family emergency or death and they seriously have to weigh taking off the time. The other thing you don't understand is even though it's possible to do 90% of the work from's not really done that way. The firm environment is old school, they like to preach that you can work remotely but just try it. Really the remote hookup is so that you don't have an excuse to not work from your deathbed, otherwise your ass better be planted in your cubicle like every other poor bastard there. It's a really weird, old school mind set.
It's a shame...they'll tell you that if you need to then take it, but they also don't tell you that there will be consequences to it, you find that out at your review down the road. Most jobs tell you that "life happens" but you better do your best to make them happen AROUND the deadlines. Ben's first job told him NOT to move or have a baby during busy season....and they were serious. When I had Gidian in April he was able to take that day off....sort of.
The good thing for me is that my ugly time is only once a year with some stress around the october deadline, and now quarterly with payroll filings....but Ben is different, he doesn't do taxes...he has these damn quarterlys PLUS the extended deadline and then the deadlines for those with fiscal years, pretty much there is a damn deadline every other month with every month having a heavy busy time.
I couldn't have Els earlier than the 19th because of his damn deadline and in fact I should have had her the 20th or the 21st because I wasn't thinking that it was the extention deadline...he seriously had to work like crazy and should have worked while we were in the hospital but couldn't get the internet connection there to work.
It's cliche/ridiculous how high the turnover rate for an accountant is....there is a reason for that, it's not because they pay you well, give you lots of time off and don't expect your first born in return. So why do it? Becuase it's glamorous. Actaully it's because it looks a hell of alot better than the job most of us had when we went into business school and by the time we figure out what a sham it is it's too late....the ink is dry on the devil's contract and the loans need to be paid.


Anonymous said...

Don't sugar coat it B give it to us straight.. Holy hell my Drilling Company work doesn't seem all that bad anymore.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

It might not be the job but your location. If you dared to leave the promise land, the jobs would be better.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I could start working Sunday with the rest of the pagans.