Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Against All Odds

August has been a weird month.

I have celebrated my 20 year high school class reunion, the birth of my daughter, my 38th birthday and my 10th year anniversary. Who would have thought.

I had never made any real plans to get this old. Not that I thought I would die young, but my plans only went out to college, career, house, wife and kids. I'm not really sure where to go from here, or if I should go anywhere at all (except to a bigger house, I just read B'Andra's mind in the future as she reads this ;) ).

I'm lucky to have such a intelligent, cute, funny, fun wife who is such a good mom. I had forgotten the work that goes into a newborn. Wow. Just: WOW. Not even mentioning the trauma that her body has gone through (I took video for her) and is still going through (turns out little Jiagie thinks that if she is awake, she should be nursing), but she is tired beyond belief and when a baby nurses ever 1-3 hours, it pretty much takes up your day. Doesn't sound too bad, right? But you forget (as I did) that it takes nearly an hour to DO the nursing. I'm grateful for her willingness to bring another baby into the world and into our family.

My job is becoming more and more consuming the more responsibilities I take on. B'Andra is so supportive of my job, everyone in the office is jealous of me. She is very patient with the little to no help at home. She gets frustrated and gives me a wake up call occasionally, which I need, but it makes it nice that she realizes how important it is to be able to not only earn a salary, but progress.

The thing that stands out in my mind at the moment that I owe her for is for sticking with me "in sickness or in health" (which was not part of our wedding vows). 3 years ago I was getting sick every 6 weeks. Very sick and she always nursed me back to health and didn't push me when I was feeling weak. It was she and she alone that finally grabbed a doctor by the proverbial ears and said, "Figure this out NOW!"

The finally took me seriously enough to stop the strep culture tests and actually do some real blood work. 3 years later, my thyroid medicine is ramped up to 125 micrograms and a daily regimen of 4 other pills, I am free from my affliction. Gone are the days that missing single nights sleep would put me into a high fever for 4 days. Gone are the days that my sick leave are used up in the first 3 months of the year. Gone are rummaging through the cabinets for old painkillers from dental work so I could drink some water and get to sleep.

Thanks, baby. You are the best!

For our 10 year, B'Andra gave me my dream: another child
I gave her an engraved paver stone in the Disneyland Entrance Plaza that reads our names and our wedding date (August 22, 1998) and an invitation to Club 33.

We beat the odds, baby. Here's to 10 more!
I love you!

1 comment:

Larsen's in Wyoming said...

Wow, that was sweet, mushy, but sweet! What a nice tribute! Congratulations on your adorable daughter, maybe we'll get to see her on Thanksgiving??