Tuesday, May 15, 2007

China III

We woke up early and got to the airport with little problems. We found the security in China to be a lot quicker and nicer. I had a 20oz bottle of Coke Lite and instead of throwing it away, she merely opened it, took a sniff and handed back when she was sure it was an explosive chemical compound.

We were met by a dimunitive girl named Shopia who was holding a sign with our names. The island paradise of Hainan was awesome. The warm humidity hit us like a wall when we got off the plane. The natives were at the gate with flower leis, like Hawaii.

Everything is green and the people are pretty rural for the most part. Lots of farms, lifestock and old buildings. Despite it being a popular destination spot, it is an economic recovering area due to extreme poverty. Hainan is also known for having the worst record for aborting female fetuses. The birth ratio is 118 boys to 100 girls. There are going to be a lot of lonely boys in China in the years to come.

We were taken to a resort for the first night as a welcome gift. We were right on the coast in a nice resort and spa. We soaked in a large hot pool in this weird building. Actually there were several pools with different temperatures and one with little fish that would eat the dead skin off your feet. Yes, you heard me. Little fish. Millions of them. They really tore into our feet for a while and then moved up knees and elbows and one took a bit off my nip. Not a fun event.

After the spa, we went to a nice, 15 course meal. the web isn't working i'll post more later

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