Sunday, August 13, 2006

Innocense lost

Driving through Midway alwasy gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. The haunting, lonely, helpless feeling of watching good things go away never to return like childhood, an infatuation-based love or a delicious cheese burger, one depressing bite at a time.

Everywhere you look, fields are being subdivided into half-million dollar homes. Where are these people getting their money? Who knows?

B'Andra made a good point. Where we live, the only change is for the better. Tear down old building and put in new, restore houses and yards that have been neglected. We never have to mourne the loss of beautiful things, only be excited when we see ugliness removed and watch our home value increase.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you lost more innocence the time you smoked a big fat doobie